Sunday, April 29, 2007


Yum Yum our oranges and mandarines are pretty good, they get lots of grey water, the trees are loaded with green ones, free fruit.. G'pa picked a few ornges and G'ma tried to juggle them, not very successful, had a good laugh.


It hasn't seen much work lately, just resting in the paddock like a lot of stuff around here.Something else for Elliot to play on when you's vivit.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


this poor old digger hasn't worked for a while.. just resting in the paddock..


lots of chooks roaming around, sure is good to have real eggs, they taste so much better..


just one of many cows around, what a life...


We have puppies again, 2 boys 1 girl, born on Satnite/Sun mornig.. They are so cute.. Tess lets Sonny have alook and even letting him sleep in the kennel with her.. Tess likes to hide them under the piece of carpet in the kennel


Teddy loves having a bath.. he makes such a mess.....
hers pauls big blue loader, he uses it to carry dirt to the mill to be processed. Elliot can have a ride on this one day..hopefully at xmas..


here is our new house, very big, lots of room.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

First time on blog

Here we are, not too much happening at he moment, still working all this out, will hopefully ahve some pics soon